Support Programme
Various Voices would particularly like to help the encouraging number of new choirs in eastern and southern Europe to participate (some of them for the first time) in the Festival. The following services are included in the support programme:
1. Choir Fee: We will waive the choir participation fee.
2. Individual Participation Fee: The participation fee for choir members will remain at the early-bird price of 160 euros until the festival begins, and will not increase in steps (unfortunately it is not possible for us to completely waive the individual participation fee). The fee for singers from Eastern European choirs is reduced to 60 Euros.
3. Accommodation: If you are interested, we can reduce the cost of accommodation by giving the participants of supported choirs priority access to the free private beds. The Munich singers and their friends are making private guest rooms and beds available in their homes within and outside the city.
4. Participants: Not only choir members but also their companions and partners can make use of this offer for fees and accommodation.
The following conditions apply to the choirs and participants in the support programme:
1. Countries covered: The choir must be from one of the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine (we reserve the right to extend the list).
2. Pre-reservation by 31 March 2017: For organizational reasons, a choir eligible for the support programme must – even if it will only later decide whether to participate in the Festival – log its request for free accommodation in advance into the Integra Planner by 31 March 2017 so that we can reserve beds for its members. The reason is that on 1 April 2017 we will make available all remaining places in the limited free contingent to every festival participant. If the request for overnight accommodation is made after 1 April 2017, an offer cannot be guaranteed and the request will be put on the waiting list.
3. Limit: As the number of free accommodation places is limited (about 250-300), we reserve the right to place choir reservations on a waiting list in order of receipt, or even entirely suspend the offer, when this limit is reached.
4. Booking: The free overnight accommodation offer is only available to registered and paying participants of the registered choir and can be booked during participant registration from 1 April 2017.
5. Fairness: Given the significant personal effort needed to acquire offers of private accommodation and prepare it for use, we ask you only to make reservations if you are really serious, and to refrain from purely provisional reservations.
6. Title: there is no legal right to any part of the support programme, which can only be granted within the framework of available budget funds of Various Voices.